Showing posts with label five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label five. Show all posts

08 September 2017

As simple as it sounds and looks

Lets check how we understand and know ourselves as we may think. It always goes like this:

  • Sighting
  • Hearing
  • Tasting
  • Smelling
  • Touching
With this you are a complete and able person. The issue remain at how well you use all your five senses. You may see and hear me badly then I won't look good. I may look good but when you smell and find a distaste smell then you won't like what your sight has just show you. What ever you taste may not feel good that day and what ever you touch may not feels good also in that day and this doesn't mean things are bad or good,what ever the case might be.

We create what we love and prefer. Work on that you will be amazed.

A well maintained balanced senses makes you a better person. We need to learn to maintain the balance so that our world can be a better one as we wish it to be. The first and most important thing we need to do is to know ourselves before we can know what is next.