Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

01 October 2020

Is your business inline and online

 Covid-19 has taught us new ways of doing things.  We have discovered that we really need each other to survive. In the side of businesses if you're not online with the trends in your industry where will your next business deal come from? Now that most people are working from home and you were surviving with direct marketing for your products and services how are you going to get to your consumers since they are not on the street? They won't see your billboards, poster, flyers and all the integrations which was going with direct marketing.

Don't worry, you have data, you are on social media and you have a website. This are your direct sales forces to enter into the home offices of your clients. The best is that they work 24/7 and the different is that you must respond on time in order to make it.

We are available to assist and offer our time in order for you to profit from this #online world. Just bear in mind that some of the jobs won't make it, soon we will be having new titles and new types of jobs. Watch the space in retail, transportation and internet so that you can adjust accordingly. Soon cars will be driving themselves - and flying, are you ready to adapt?

When we reach there our carports, parking bays in shopping malls, garages at home and so on will be outdated. Now you can see that the houses, buildings and what we see will have to undergo a major change.

 Allow us to leave it there, we like to hear from you.

10 May 2020

Works of the future, apply today and earn from today

We are the future and they will be the future. Your future start today. If you don't go with the trends you are going to stay behind in the dark. We are on our quest to colonise the planet Mars, we are technologically advanced. I wonder if you are still not using technology to your advantage. Stress less am here to assist. Do you know about online surveys? With your Smartphone, Desktops and Laptops you can really make millions by just clicking buttons and/or swiping to work on projects, by influencing products, giving opinions, researching on products and services and lot more.

There are lots of online jobs out there, online businesses, remote works, home based work and the likes. If you can keep coming to my blog you will get more and more advices on the once am already working on and had already receive payments. Don't worry if you are not a tech smart. All of this are so simple. The way you interact on Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp(just to name a few) is the way you will be doing your projects. I"m inviting you to click the underlined word underneath and follow the link to register and start earning dollars. you don't have to have dollars as your current money value, wherever you are in the world you will convert them to your national currency. Click the word an register. 


When you get to the page there are to options. Option 1 you can register as a researcher if you are a researcher but I would like to advice you to register on Option 2 as a participant since most of us are unless otherwise. The good thing about Respondent is that on each and every projects you can share or refer them to your friends and still earn when they finishes them. There is also a referral projects whereby you earn through referring people to Respondent. Money is in either way. 

Lets work. Am available to assist. Please visit more often and share with all whom you know. Opportunities are in our hands.

Follow for more.

13 May 2017

Future general election in South Africa

Since everything needs to be sorted at the ballot paper we need to be careful unto whom are we trusting with our powers. In the boardroom we can take a decision right now and implement it right now and if the majority doesn't agree with it, it will take five years to be changed cause is then the majority can vote you out of the boardroom.

The following are the campaigns which will run not so long:
Vote for us we will offer the following for #free

  • Internet access
  • #Data
  • hard work
  • free data
  • Free cell phones
  • Free laptop
  • Free will
  • Free internet
  • Free land
  • Free food
It will be up-to you to really fall for this free,free,free this wheres the speaker doesn't have. Politicians or leaders who can shout, dance and sign brought us so far. I hope next time you will vote for the real thing.

Truly speaking #data is the future of everything.

09 July 2016

Things to come

We are faced with what we have created and it seems it will take us longer to be overcome.

  • Unemployment:
This is what we are going to do:
  1. Self service supermarkets,
  2. Self service filling stations,
  3. Self driving cars,
  4. Pills/tablets which you can drink and stay full for the whole week without eating.
  5. Money will held no value.
  6. People won't get sick.
We have already started with the first top 3 in some countries.

For you to survive you must be creative and have many skills.

Everything is possible today.