Showing posts with label south africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label south africa. Show all posts

27 November 2018

Leaders of our times and the systems in place

Where were you during this time? Life goes around a circle. We need strong leaders who will put South Africa before their needs. We really support whatever our leaders are doing. The only thing we need from them is that,"they must be strong and act within the constitution of our country."All is well and in place, we have to be strong and be active citizens. Let us master the numbers and work towards building a better nation amongst the nations of the earth.

  • We always see things coming but we choose to ignore them.
  • We always think that burning tyres and vandalising will solve our issues.
  • We don't held our leaders accountable.
  • We sell our vote with opinion.

 Must we say, we saw it coming? That won't help. The business of the day must go on. Education has to be improve so that people get to understand what is at stake if they don;t take part in the decisions of the country. Your vote is not only the best you can do to steer the country to the best places. You need to take part and be involve in the building of South Africa. Be an active citizen. What kind of South Africa do you want to see in 20 years from now? Are you taking part towards that?

Look at what happens to Gauteng. Good projects where initiated but they have failed. What went wrong? And who is to be blamed and take accountability?

  • What are we going to do with the money(debts - in this case money invested) already been spend on e-tolls?
  • What went wrong with free Wi-Fi? Money has been spend on infrastructure. Almost every school and park has connections but now they are white elephant. How much money was invested in this projects? Who has to be accountable?
The list goes on and on. Let us be good citizens and act within the constitution of the country.

Lets share what we know to be correct. Lets act and protect our collective interest. Lets initiate projects. We mustn't follow what was imposed on us and those who impose are not our friends. Let's show the world that we can act and live according to our words.

13 May 2017

Future general election in South Africa

Since everything needs to be sorted at the ballot paper we need to be careful unto whom are we trusting with our powers. In the boardroom we can take a decision right now and implement it right now and if the majority doesn't agree with it, it will take five years to be changed cause is then the majority can vote you out of the boardroom.

The following are the campaigns which will run not so long:
Vote for us we will offer the following for #free

  • Internet access
  • #Data
  • hard work
  • free data
  • Free cell phones
  • Free laptop
  • Free will
  • Free internet
  • Free land
  • Free food
It will be up-to you to really fall for this free,free,free this wheres the speaker doesn't have. Politicians or leaders who can shout, dance and sign brought us so far. I hope next time you will vote for the real thing.

Truly speaking #data is the future of everything.

22 March 2017

What is wrong with the preacher

Does it matters who owns what?
If the people doesn't own the government, who will?
Let us look at the following institutions:

  • ABSA
  • Standard bank
  • Nedbank
  • FNB
  • Capitac bank
  • MFC
  • Investec bank
  • Postbank
  • South African Reserve Bank
  • DBSA
  • Landbank
  • TEBA bank
  • Imperial  bank
  • Sasfin bank
  • Bidvest bank
  • HSBC bank
  • Mercantile bank
  • African bank
  • Citibank
  • Bank of baroda
  • Mutual banks
The list goes on and on. All  you need to do is to open your eyes, ears and mind.
What is wrong with the preacher?

16 July 2016

The sixteenth in South Africa-(16th)

Sixteen is a South African Number.It is very special and very important in what South Africa is today.May peace and long healthy life be with all the people of South Africa.

  • On January 16, 1917 the Mendi troopship sailed from Cape Town en route to La Havre in France carrying the last contingent of the SANLC comprising 805 black private, 5 white officers and 17 non-commissioned officers as well as 33 crew members. taken from
  • 16 February?
  • 16 March?
  • 16 April?
  • 16 May?
  • 16 June? I know of Soweto youth upraising. The year was 1976-06-16
  • 16 July?
  • 16 August? I know of Marikana massacre. The year was 2012-08-16
  • 16 September?
  • 16 October?
  • 16 November?
  • 16 December?
What happens in 1916 as compared to 2016 in South Africa.
We must be very careful with the number most cases it has been proven to be a very bad number for our country.
We must do a serious research to find out what is the secret behind the number 16.
I came to realize that love is sacrifice so is number 16.

What do you know about the number 16?

21 April 2015

To The Presidency and all the leaders of South Africa

I salute and greet you all by saying,PEACE.May you all have PEACE and a clear VISION.May all the heads of the houses and families of South Africa look forward and implement what will be good for us all and for many years to follow.May all the security agencies open their eyes,ears and mind in protecting all in South Africa and also to prevent the unforeseen circumstances.

Communication,information and knowledge are so easy and accelerating very fast.we are learning and discovering things very simple.Likewise we need to be on high alert on everything around us.It all start at home then at school.Let us look at what we are as the people of South Africa and on what we want to achieve.There is a critical need to change our education system.We all act according to what we have learn.

May you take your time to find the meaning.Please try to understand.