Showing posts with label #PowerNews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #PowerNews. Show all posts

14 March 2022

It matters once you can learn that TIME is everything

Thanks for the light I just recieved. You can spend your whole life chasing things which you deem to be important you will never catch up. Until you know who you are. Once you can discover the person in you and become one with the inner person then all will be well. For us to go on with one understanding can you please answer this question:

"Can you live without?"

A. Money?

B. Ground(Soil) you walked on?

C. Products and services made by other people?

Choose 1(A,B or C) and your explanation, then comment so that we can understand. 

Allow me to say, "What a new day, a new person and a new beginnings!"

The word NEW is powerful and energetic. Everyone want and is willing to be part of it. Now is the best time to harness and learn deeper about this powerful word. If and when properly used nothing will stop or cause a derail in your tracks. Everyday when I wake up I ask the sun not to set (go down), one day is one day it will be under my command. Today you are a new person who knows better than the person you were yesterday. It is said, "the older you get, the wiser you become." What motivates you to be who you are on a daily basis? Do you really need motivation?

Motivation is motivation and is like fuel(energy) into your vehicle. Likewise you can have top of the range car model with all technological advances but if you don't learn and apply what you have learned your car is useless. You need to find a driver so that you can advances your curiosity. You need to find people with the know how so that your car can reach its potentials. Just bear in mind that your driver will need remuneration. And if you don't have money to pay your driver then sell your car to the highest bidder. If there is no buyer then you can take it to the museum. Museums will offer great value(I mean money) when coming to your assets and/or collections. The ball is in your cord, do what is best with what you have and know.

We all have time and space at our disposal. That is all you need to reach your goals.

In respective of your perceptions if you can really look into details. You will always discover new things. We are so lucky because we live in an age of discoveries and knowledge. We are so connected and information is shared instantly live as it happens. You only need the willingness from within in order to get your ducks in a raw. My advice to you is that, "Alphabets are old and we use them to describe new stuffs."

Adding on what we already know, "60 seconds makes 1 minute and 60 minutes makes 1 hour." But, the way things are, it seems the hours has turned into been the seconds. For sure things has drastically changed, time is moving very fast. Today as you are reading this article you have just discovered new beginnings, new stuffs and you are a new person.

What makes 1 second? I can say 60 nanoseconds makes it.

21 June 2020

All is simple when we know and apply

Are you finding it difficult to be faced or to be performed? Is it very hard to be understood or to be shared? Don't worry you are not alone. Today am sharing with you some activities which brings rewards and profits in whatever you can share online.

Do you know about Opera News Hub? If you are not there and you enjoy blogging you are missing out on real money which can be deposited into your bank account. I use to hear people talking about passive income and I have been following that word(Passive income) until I found Opera news. What I can say is that it is a good place to hang out. You do what you know best, people read about it then money start flowing into you bank account. Click on the underlined(highlighted) word at the beginning of this paragraph to join for free.

Remember to share and to report back as to how are you doing so that we can assist each other. We don't have to be complicated or complicate the systems and ways of life. Life is very simple, let's enjoy it that way.

So far are you aware that you are a seller? If not please follow my blog and keep reading there is much more that you can learn and perform. And as from today you have it all. On our platform we sell almost everything, if we don't have what you want we will get and sell at the lowest price.  Let me explain what I mean when I say you are a seller. People see you wearing clothes which you are wearing right now then go and buy - but you get nothing from that transaction. People saw you using some products and/or services then go and to like wise - still you get nothing. Don't worry and don't be surprised, there is money for everyone and for everything we do.

Today you are lucky, you will start earning even if you are a buyer. 

Till next time, we are together.

27 November 2018

Leaders of our times and the systems in place

Where were you during this time? Life goes around a circle. We need strong leaders who will put South Africa before their needs. We really support whatever our leaders are doing. The only thing we need from them is that,"they must be strong and act within the constitution of our country."All is well and in place, we have to be strong and be active citizens. Let us master the numbers and work towards building a better nation amongst the nations of the earth.

  • We always see things coming but we choose to ignore them.
  • We always think that burning tyres and vandalising will solve our issues.
  • We don't held our leaders accountable.
  • We sell our vote with opinion.

 Must we say, we saw it coming? That won't help. The business of the day must go on. Education has to be improve so that people get to understand what is at stake if they don;t take part in the decisions of the country. Your vote is not only the best you can do to steer the country to the best places. You need to take part and be involve in the building of South Africa. Be an active citizen. What kind of South Africa do you want to see in 20 years from now? Are you taking part towards that?

Look at what happens to Gauteng. Good projects where initiated but they have failed. What went wrong? And who is to be blamed and take accountability?

  • What are we going to do with the money(debts - in this case money invested) already been spend on e-tolls?
  • What went wrong with free Wi-Fi? Money has been spend on infrastructure. Almost every school and park has connections but now they are white elephant. How much money was invested in this projects? Who has to be accountable?
The list goes on and on. Let us be good citizens and act within the constitution of the country.

Lets share what we know to be correct. Lets act and protect our collective interest. Lets initiate projects. We mustn't follow what was imposed on us and those who impose are not our friends. Let's show the world that we can act and live according to our words.