Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowledge. Show all posts

21 June 2020

All is simple when we know and apply

Are you finding it difficult to be faced or to be performed? Is it very hard to be understood or to be shared? Don't worry you are not alone. Today am sharing with you some activities which brings rewards and profits in whatever you can share online.

Do you know about Opera News Hub? If you are not there and you enjoy blogging you are missing out on real money which can be deposited into your bank account. I use to hear people talking about passive income and I have been following that word(Passive income) until I found Opera news. What I can say is that it is a good place to hang out. You do what you know best, people read about it then money start flowing into you bank account. Click on the underlined(highlighted) word at the beginning of this paragraph to join for free.

Remember to share and to report back as to how are you doing so that we can assist each other. We don't have to be complicated or complicate the systems and ways of life. Life is very simple, let's enjoy it that way.

So far are you aware that you are a seller? If not please follow my blog and keep reading there is much more that you can learn and perform. And as from today you have it all. On our platform we sell almost everything, if we don't have what you want we will get and sell at the lowest price.  Let me explain what I mean when I say you are a seller. People see you wearing clothes which you are wearing right now then go and buy - but you get nothing from that transaction. People saw you using some products and/or services then go and to like wise - still you get nothing. Don't worry and don't be surprised, there is money for everyone and for everything we do.

Today you are lucky, you will start earning even if you are a buyer. 

Till next time, we are together.

30 December 2015

Until when shall it be done

  • The word of the living shall never perish
  • Traditions of man shall pass and new ones will come forth.
  • Cultures will come and go.
  • Believes will come and go.
  • Churches will come and go.
  • Nations will come and go.
  • Knowledge will increase.
  • Understanding will increase.
  • Systems will be invited,they will be upgraded,they will also pass away.
  • Religions will come and go.
  • Climate will keep on changing.
  • Until when must it be that you keep on doing what you are doing?
  • The sun will burn out.........................

Like it was in the beginning or before the beginning,it is still now and it will be then.Is your knowledge setting you free?
Everything that we see for now come within a human being.All the answers are within.
May understanding be with you.

The power of all shall remain and continue working,for you to be there please be part of this power.Like it was,it will be and it is.


19 June 2015

Our growing to knowledge and infomation

"Information and knowledge shall increase."We have landed a robot at another planet,does great very great.We must be very proud with what we are acquiring as the people.
Our education is great we must continue chasing it,we must continue discovering and exploring our human mind.Our mind is the greatest tool we ever possess.

Education first.Let us continue implementing and selling our ideas,let us continue building our self and our families into becoming great people which will lead to great nations.In our quest to knowledge let us strive for peace.Peace within our self.

Where will we be or could have been if The Greeks didn't rubbed fossil tree resin or peoples like William Gilbert,Thomas Browne,Benjamin Franklin or the Egyptians?

Let us carry on with our mission.

21 April 2015

To The Presidency and all the leaders of South Africa

I salute and greet you all by saying,PEACE.May you all have PEACE and a clear VISION.May all the heads of the houses and families of South Africa look forward and implement what will be good for us all and for many years to follow.May all the security agencies open their eyes,ears and mind in protecting all in South Africa and also to prevent the unforeseen circumstances.

Communication,information and knowledge are so easy and accelerating very fast.we are learning and discovering things very simple.Likewise we need to be on high alert on everything around us.It all start at home then at school.Let us look at what we are as the people of South Africa and on what we want to achieve.There is a critical need to change our education system.We all act according to what we have learn.

May you take your time to find the meaning.Please try to understand.