10 January 2017

There is one thing untold

We all need education to get ahead.
We learn skills, trade, theories and lots of stuff in life.
There is a foundation education and basic education which all of us have.

We only short one education to make it in life.

There is a mind school where you learn how to plan and follow through.

Here at #changinglife we have discovered that everything you need is within you.There is no need to knock at some one's door in search of good life,you have what it takes to be success.Create your own doors the world and the universe need them.

Give yourself time to think,learn how to think.

You are the greatest.

25 November 2016

Oh my people

What more do you want?

Oh my people!

You have been given the most universal tool to live by.
Your mind is all you need to achieve what ever you want.

Oh my people!

Look at it this way.
Take a very close look.

Oh my people!

Your mind is the seed to success.
Your seed to success is your mind.

Oh my people!

Your seed of success is your mind.
Your mind is your seed of success.

Oh my people!

Live by your word.
Apply your mind

Oh my people!

Oh my people,Oh my people!

01 August 2016

Vote for me "we will cause it to rain with GOLD"

To all voting individuals of South Africa. Please take full responsibility of the candidates and parties your are going to choose come the 3rd August 2016.

Point to consider:

  • People or parties are down on earth with you.
  • No special or super powers from any of them.
  • They all need your powers.
  • Don't expert pay back from whom you voted
  • Get involve in the matters of the country.
  • You are special to move everyone forward.
Open your mind and read the following with understanding:

"My child in my house is 25 years and able but he doesn't want to clean his room let alone himself.Then I make rules that I'm going to clean my room been his room because is my house and I'm going to bath him. He refuses and jump to my neighbor and live in my neighbor's house. My neighbor is always complaining to me and say my child is making his house a mess"

Hope you will be well.

16 July 2016

The sixteenth in South Africa-(16th)

Sixteen is a South African Number.It is very special and very important in what South Africa is today.May peace and long healthy life be with all the people of South Africa.

  • On January 16, 1917 the Mendi troopship sailed from Cape Town en route to La Havre in France carrying the last contingent of the SANLC comprising 805 black private, 5 white officers and 17 non-commissioned officers as well as 33 crew members. taken from http://www.navy.mil.za/newnavy/mendi_history/mendi_hist.htm
  • 16 February?
  • 16 March?
  • 16 April?
  • 16 May?
  • 16 June? I know of Soweto youth upraising. The year was 1976-06-16
  • 16 July?
  • 16 August? I know of Marikana massacre. The year was 2012-08-16
  • 16 September?
  • 16 October?
  • 16 November?
  • 16 December?
What happens in 1916 as compared to 2016 in South Africa.
We must be very careful with the number 16.in most cases it has been proven to be a very bad number for our country.
We must do a serious research to find out what is the secret behind the number 16.
I came to realize that love is sacrifice so is number 16.

What do you know about the number 16?

09 July 2016

Things to come

We are faced with what we have created and it seems it will take us longer to be overcome.

  • Unemployment:
This is what we are going to do:
  1. Self service supermarkets,
  2. Self service filling stations,
  3. Self driving cars,
  4. Pills/tablets which you can drink and stay full for the whole week without eating.
  5. Money will held no value.
  6. People won't get sick.
We have already started with the first top 3 in some countries.

For you to survive you must be creative and have many skills.

Everything is possible today.

25 June 2016

As it stand

On what are you standing as you are reading now?
Standing can be on your feet but not necessarily on your feet for the sake of life.
It doesn't matter what our eyes see or what we think.
Where do you stand?
What are you doing to make your standing place to last for your lifetime?
Do you prefer to stand for one second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, one decade, one centurion, one millennium, one eon, one .....? so it goes.

It doesn't need you to read all the books or to possess all the knowledge and powers out there.It only need you to know where you stand.

For me by the breath I breath I stand.

What about you.

09 June 2016

One problem equals to one opportunity

The good thing is that we know all.If we don't know,we won't have a name.
Check this out:


Pro in simple term can mean an advance way of doing things maybe it can also mean you are always forward in your trades.

Blem is a (slang) a hope.It will give me a challenge if I can try to explain it,so I turned it to blame.
Blame is when you don't want to be accountable of your life.

Many problems means many opportunities.My message to you is that go out there and grab as many as you can.We all have limited time.My one hour equals to every one's one hour.